Site of the Day 8/13/2010

Here are some links concerning doing some web stuff for the iPhone and iPad.

Site of the Day 6/21/2010

Here is a great site from Adobe about learning about their products.

Site of the Day 6/14/2010

Here is funny article from Mozilla about Apple Safari’s HTML 5 demo and how intellectually dishonest it is coming from Apple’ marketing department. Good figure…I’m so surprised 🙂

Site of the Day 5/23/2010

Here is a good site from the University of Stanford Security Lab.

Site of the Day 5/10/2010

I fell upon this site from a link about creating music notes from JavaScript. It very cool 🙂

Site of the Day 5/8/2010

Since, I have some more MIX sites, I’ll added them for the next couple day.

Site of the Day 5/7/2010

Someone sent me a link to a specific JavaScript topic for Microsoft MIX09, so here is the link for MIX09.

Future browser enhancements (JavaScript,CSS,HTML)

Here are some links concerning future browser enhancements for Firefox, IE, Google or other browsers which will help a developer.

Hack site for Firefox


new device API for Firefox 3.6: orientation

Firefox 3.7
a multi-touch drawing demo for Firefox 3.7

Microsoft IE

Good general information

Google Chrome
The Chromium Blog

HTML in Flex

I’ve been looking around for a solution, so I can put web pages (ie., cnn) into a Flex page. Some would say I should type in that html ( ?), but why and one can’t type in CNN. Others would say that Flex and HTML should be separated from each other. WHY? I wished Adobe would give off their high horse and fix this fundemental problem with Flash/Flex. The following links give Adobe response and some solutions might at least address the problem. I enjoy other persons creativity which others might call “hacks”.

Adobe’s response

Don’t use HTML in Flex
HTML in Flex on
HTML in Flex
HTML in Flex #2
HTML in Flex example #1
HTML in Flex example #2

Mutliple articles about this subject