Site of the Day 8/15/2010

Here is an article to emuluate various IE browsers for CSS.

Site of the Day 8/14/2010

CSS Compatibility for Internet Explorer for IE 5 thru 8.

Site of the Day 8/9/2010

Here is a link to create CSS3 generator.

Site of the Day 5/19/2010

This is a great site using CSS for Adobe Flex. The guy is correct that CSS is implemented terribly in Flex. Didn’t they think about how CSS works in a web page and just copy that idea???

Site of the Day 5/14/2010

Everything you wanted to know about Ajax and were afraid to ask.

Site of the Day 5/13/2010

Here is a great site for CSS novices and gurus.

Site of the Day 5/7/2010

Someone sent me a link to a specific JavaScript topic for Microsoft MIX09, so here is the link for MIX09.

Flex and CSS

Here are some links concerning using CSS in Adobe Flex.

Intro to Flex CSS Styling
Flex 3 CSS List Reference

Discover the power of Flex and CSS
Flex CSS Explorer
Flex Filter Explorer
Flex Primitive Explorer

General CSS tips/tricks

Here is a list of general css tips and tricks.

A healthy dose of useful CSS links
Object Oriented CSS
Guide to CSS support for Email Clients
W3C CSS class names
CSS Ninja

Mastering CSS
CSS Table Grid
CSS buttons

Create CSS Menus

CSS Frameworks
Blueprint CSS
YUI Grids 2
960 gs